5 Tips for Preventing Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow is a pain in more ways than one. Not only can it be a literal pain, but the time spent out of the court due to an injury hurts even more. To stay on the safe side and minimize your risk of tennis elbow, try incorporating a few preventive measures into your routine.

  1. Improve your technique—a sloppy swing could contribute to an overwhelming amount of force placed on your elbow's tendons and muscles.
  2. Take care of your equipment: use strings with ideal tension for your racquet and switch up sporting implements every so often to reduce wear-and-tear on specific parts.
  3. Use proper warm up and cool-down techniques prior to each game (or practice) session—stretching will help relax the muscles of your arm.
  4. Don't overwork yourself—make sure to limit playing time until you've become better acclimated to intense activity and heat factor that playing entails.
  5. Give yourself plenty of rest between games; not just physical rest but mental too—try avoiding excessive worrying about the game at hand or whatever else is stressing you out on or off court.

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